Writing for Kids 3.1.2
Writing for kids app is designed to teaches children to draw linesshapes and write letters and numbers. It uses the samsung pen sdkfor recognising letters and numbers and make the child to doexactly how the letter should be written and does not accept thewriting until it is done perfectly or near perfection, with naturalsounds and voice overs a perfect teacher for children to make themlearn their first writing lessons.
Алфавиты для детей Russian abc 1.0.2
Уважаемые родители и учителя , алфавиты длядетей является приложение разработан и создан с консультациивоспитателей детских садов. Это прекрасное приложение учит детей винтерактивной увлекательной игровой форме.Отличный ресурс для обучения алфавитов со звуками и идет науровне дальше по буквам каждое слово с его звук. Этот метод доказалв скорое принятие алфавитов акустики, а также, обучения побуквам.Алфавит песня с анимацией помогают детям научиться алфавита свесело.Каждый алфавит имеет несколько слов с тщательно отобраннымиреальные фотографии. Многие картины сопровождается объект звуковогоэффекта.Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, приложение является бесплатным добуквы Н для оценки и должны быть номинально заплатили заразблокирование остальной части приложения.Основные характеристики:* Ознакомиться алфавитов в увлекательной игровой форме.* Помощь запоминать буквы с подпевать песню алфавита.* Несколько слов с каждой буквы с реальной картиной и звуковыеэффекты где это применимо.* Помощь в обучении орфографии слова.* Лучшее для детей дошкольного и детских детей.Dear parents andteachers, alphabets for kids is an application designed anddeveloped with the advice of kindergarten teachers. This is a greatapp teaches children in a fun interactive way.An excellent resource for learning alphabet with sounds and goeson at the level of spell each word with its sound. This methodproved to speedy adoption of alphabets acoustics, as well aslearning to spell.Alphabet song with animations help children learn the alphabetwith fun.Each script has a few words with carefully selected real photos.Many pictures are accompanied by an object sound effect.Please note, the app is free to the letter H for the evaluationand should be nominally paid for unlocking the rest of theapplication.Key Features:* Learn alphabets in a fun way.* Help to remember the letters of the alphabet song to sing.* A few words with each letter with the real picture and soundeffects where applicable.* Help in learning spelling words.* Best for preschool and children's children.
Mon premier livre de ABC. 1.0.4
My first book of French ABC.
Lernspiele für Kinder 1.0.9
Diese iPad-Anwendung soll den wichtigenBereich der Intelligenzentwicklung ihres Kindes unterstützen undelementare Fähigkeiten auf diesem Gebiet fördern undweiterentwickeln.Es werden innovative Wege genutzt, um ihr Kind durch die Nutzungder Bild- und Schriftsprache während des Leselernprozeß zuunterstützen. Durch den Einsatz von Lernmethoden, bei denen dieKinder verschiedene Sinne nutzen, wird der Lernprozeß positivbeeinflußt. Aus diesem Grund wurde "Lernspiele für Kinder"entwickelt, um den Kindern das Lernen und das Erkennen vonverschiedenen Objekten, Geräuschen, Farben, Buchstaben und Ziffernzu erleichtern. Diese Anwendung soll positiv zurIntelligenzentwicklung beitragen und den Wortschatz der Kinder aufspielerische Art und Weise erweitern.This iPad application isto support and promote and develop basic skills in this area theimportant area of ​​intellectual development of their child. It used innovative ways to support their children through the useof visual and written language during the read process of learning.Through the use of learning methods in which the children use avariety of senses, the learning process is positively influenced.For this reason, "educational games for children" designed tofacilitate learning and recognition of various objects, sounds,colors, letters and numbers to children. This application isintended to contribute positively to the development ofintelligence and expand the vocabulary of children in a playfulway.
儿童IQ益智图书 1.1.0
本书旨在发掘和提高孩子智力。通过采用一种新颖的方式来教育孩子去阅读并理解词汇。对于孩子来说,最佳的学习方式便是运用其天生优势的敏锐感知能力。本书的目的便是使孩子学习并认识不同的事物,声音,颜色,字母以及数字。通过一种轻松有趣的方式使孩子在增长智力的同时巩固词汇This book aims to exploreand improve child intelligence.By using a novel way to teach children to read and understand thevocabulary. For children, the best way to learn is to use itsnatural advantages of keen perception. The purpose of this book isto enable children to learn and know different things, sounds,colors, letters and numbers. Through an easy fun way to makechildren grow while consolidating intellectual vocabulary
CI Niños 1.0.8
Esta aplicación está diseñada para desarrollary mejorar los niños IQUtiliza innovadora forma de enseñar a su hijo a leer, escuchar yhacer coincidir las palabras con imágenes. Una mejor manera de niñopara aprender es mediante el uso de Dios sentidos dotados. IQ Niñosestá diseñado para permitir a un niño a aprender y reconocer losdiferentes objetos, sonidos, colores, Alfabeto y números. Laaplicación está diseñada para aumentar la inteligencia y elconocimiento de los niños de una forma divertida juguetona manera,junto con la mejora de vocabulario. Esta aplicación es la mejorpara preescolar y niños de jardín de infantesThis application isdesigned to develop and enhance children IQUse innovative way to teach your child to read, listen and matchwords with pictures. A child best way to learn is by using Godgifted senses. Children IQ is designed to allow a child to learnand recognize different objects, sounds, colors, alphabet andnumbers. The application is designed to increase the understandingand knowledge of children in a fun way playfully along withimproving vocabulary. This application is best for preschool andkindergarten children
My first book of Enlgish ABC 1.0.2
My First Book of Alphabets is colourful andinteractive approach for learning letters and sounds by toddlers.Each letter has multiple words enabling the child to enhancevocabulary and IQ.Fun learning through simple touch gestures.Attractive pictures with sound to talk about, which enable childto think.Read along song helps the child to learn alphabets in a creativemanner and prepare for school.
Il mio primo libro di alfabeti 1.0.3
Il mio primo libro di Alfabeti è approcciocolorato e interattivo per imparare lettere e suoni per ibambini.Ogni lettera ha più parole che consenta al bambino di migliorare ilvocabolario e IQ.Fun apprendimento attraverso semplici touch gesti.Interessanti le immagini con il suono di cui parlare, checonsentono bambino a pensare, questo aiuta il bambino ad impararealfabeti in modo creativo e prepararsi per la scuola.My First Book ofAlphabets is colorful and interactive approach for learning lettersand sounds for children.Each letter has more words that allows the child to improvevocabulary and IQ.Fun learning through simple touch gestures.Interesting pictures with sound to speak of, which allow childrento think, this helps the child learn alphabets in a creative wayand get ready for school.
Le QI de l' enfant 1.0.7
Cette application a été conçue pour développeret améliorer le QI de l'enfant.C'est une façon innovatrice d'apprendre à votre enfant à lire et àassocier des mots. Un enfant apprend toujours mieux lorsqu'ilutilise les sens que Dieu lui a donné. Le "QI de l'enfant" a étémis au point pour permettre à l'enfant d'apprendre et dereconnaître des objets différents, des sons, des couleurs,l'alphabet et les nombres. Cette application aide à améliorerl'intelligence des enfants de manière ludique tout en améliorantleur vocabulaire.This application wasdesigned to develop and improve the IQ of the child.This is an innovative way to teach your child to read and associatewords. A child always learn better when using the sense that Godgave him. The "Children's IQ" has been developed to allow the childto learn and recognize different objects, sounds, colors, thealphabet and numbers. This application helps improve children'sintelligence in a fun way while improving their vocabulary.
Mein etrestes ABC 1.0.7
Mein erstes ABC ist ein bunter und interaktiver Ansatz zum Lernenvon Buchstaben und Klängen für kleine Kinder. Jeder Buchstabe wirddurch mehrere Wörter dargestellt, wodurch die Kinder ihrenWortschatz erweitern können und somit entscheidende Grundlagen fürdie Sprachentwicklung gelegt werden. Diese App ist kostenlos biszum Buchstaben H vor dem Kauf die Vollversion zu bewerten. Durcheine einfache Bedienung lernen die Kinder spielerisch. AttraktiveBilder mit Tönen regen das Kind zum Denken an. Lieder zum Mitlesenhelfen dem Kind die Buchstaben auf eine kreative Art und Weise zulernen und bereiten sie für die Schule vor.
脳 : キッズ I.Q 1.1.1
Alphabete für Kinder 1.0.3
Liebe Eltern und Lehrer, "Alphabete fürKinder(HD) ist eine Anwendung entwickelt und KonsultationderKindergartenpädagogen entwickelt. Diese Programm lehrt Kinderineiner interaktiven unterhaltsame Art und Weise.Eine hervorragende Ressource für die Lehre Alphabets mitKlängenund geht auf eine Ebene durch Rechtschreibung jedes Wort mitseinemSound. Diese Technik hat sich in schnellen VerabschiedungAlphabetsphonics bewährte als auch, das Lernen zubuchstabieren.Alphabet Song mit Animationen helfen Kindern Alphabete mitSpaßzu lernen.Jedes Alphabet mehrere Wörter mit sorgfältig ausgewähltenechteBilder. Viele Bilder mit Objekt-Sound-Effekt begleitet.Bitte beachten Sie, die Anwendung ist kostenlos, bis BuchstabenHzu bewerten und müssen nominell zum Entriegeln Rest der Anwendungzuzahlen.Haupteigenschaften:* Machen Alphabete auf spielerische Weise.* Hilfe merken Buchstaben mit mitsingen Alphabet-Lied.* Mehrere Worte mit jedem Buchstaben mit realen BildundSound-Effekte, wo anwendbar.* Hilfe zu lernen, Wörter zu buchstabieren.* Am besten für Vorschule und Kindergartenkinder.Dear Parents andTeachers,"alphabets for kids (HD) is an application designed anddevelopedconsulting the kindergarten teachers. This programteaches childrenin an interactive fun way.An excellent resource for teaching the alphabet with soundsandgoes on a level by spelling each word with its sound.Thistechnique has also spell the alphabet phonics learning inrapidadoption as proven.Alphabet Song with animations help to learn alphabets withfunchildren.Each alphabet several words with carefully selected realimages.Many images with object sound effect accompanies.Please note, the application is free to evaluate to letters Handhave nominally to pay to unlock the rest of theapplication.Main Features:* Make alphabets in a fun way.* Help Bookmark sing along with letters Alphabet song.* Multiple words with each letter with the real image andsoundeffects, where applicable.* Help to learn to spell words.* Best for preschool and kindergarten children.
Camy and Jaky 1.0.2
******* Bedtime or No Bedtime, traveling inacar, bus, train or airplane this story keeps the childreninterestuntil the end *******CAMY AND JAKY:From the classical story of a Camel and Jackal, Anadventureseries of the two friends, in the newly reformed formatforchildren to learn and entertain, with beautiful charactersandillustrations along with voice overs and interactive soundeffects.Moral story which keeps children interest till the end.Surprisesounds effects.
Children Words Builder 1.0.2
This app helps to increase child's vocabulary and spelling skills.The app is designed for children to identify different objects andcreate words. The app helps the child to learn from easy 3 letterswords to the difficulty level of 9 letter words. The animatedalphabets dance to give a hint to the child for creating the word.An interactive way of teaching children. Please provide yourfeedback by reviewing this app so we know your valuable opinion andimprove it for you.
The three billy goats 1.0.2
The story of the three billy goats and the troll for children tolearn and amusen, with beautiful characters and illustrations withvoice surpluses and interactive effects of music. ********************* Special Features 3 Interesting ***** 24 ***** PiecePuzzles Image Read for yourself ***** ***** ****** Tell yourself(Narration option Show Hide) ***** attributes: a.Belles highdefinition images. b.Différentes character voices and sound effectsc.Facile to understand. d.Musique controllable soft background e.luit to me
Puss in Boots
Puss in boots is a famous story of a cat whohelped his master. Full of beautiful illustrations and interactiveoptions keep the children engaged till the end.
Elves and the Shoemaker HD 1.0.0
The best interactive illustratedchildren’sbook. Fantastic quality, the very best multimedia book inthemarket. A brand-new unforgettable experience for any fairytaleloving family!Enter the enchanting world of the Elves and the shoemaker,throughthis exciting interactive children’s storybook.Pages filled with amazing rich content, engaging and funactivitiesfor young readers. With HD Graphics, Sound Effects andadditionalsix picture puzzle Games.Elegantly hand crafted we think you will love it.*********Bed time or no bed time .. Ever green stories allthetime.*************************Special Introductory Price for a limitedtimeonly.********************Special Features..***** 6 Interesting 24 Piece Picture Puzzles****** HD Graphics (High resolution picture quality)* Sound Effects (Hidden Sound Effects)*Animations (IPad Touch gestures)* Read it to me*Read it yourself*Tell it by yourself (Narration Show Hide option)
Развивающие игры для детей 1.1.0
Это iPad-приложение было разработано для поддержания важной областиинтеллектуального развития ребенка и чтобы помогать в развитиибазовых навыков в этой сфере. В этом приложении используютсяинновационные способы с целью поддержания Вашего ребенка в процессеобучения при помощи изобразительных и письменных методов.Применение методов обучения, в процессе которых дети используютразличные чувства, положительно влияют на процесс обучения. По этойпричине “Развивающие игры для детей” разработаны для облегчениядетского обучения и распознавaния различных объектов, звуков,цветов, букв и цифр. Это приложение должно в игривой манере внестиположительный вклад в интелектуальное развитие детей испособствовать увеличению словарного запаса.
Alfabeti per Bambini 1.0.3
Alfabeto italiano per i bambini, un app colorato con suoni edeffetti sonori. Canzone alfabeto russo e imparare con toccandol'alfabeto rendono il bambino per ricordare e imparare l'alfabetoin modo divertente..
Shapes for Kids. 1.0.1
Recognising Shapes have never been so easy before.
Alphabets for kids 1.0.4
Dear parents and teachers, " Alphabets forKids(HD) is an app designed and developed with consultationofKindergarten educators. This wonderful app teaches children inainteractive fun way.An excellent resource for teaching Alphabets with sounds andgoeson a level further by spelling each word with it's sound.Thistechnique has proven in quick adoption of Alphabets phonicsaswell, learning to spell.Alphabet song with animation help children to learnalphabetswith fun.Every Alphabet has multiple words with carefully selectedrealpictures. Many pictures accompanied with object soundeffect.Please note the application is free till letter H to evaluateandneed to be nominally paid for unlocking rest of theapplication.Main features:* Familiarize alphabets in a fun way.* Help memorize letters with sing along alphabet Song.* Multiple words with each letter with real picture andsoundeffects where applicable.* Help in learning to spell words.* Best for pre-school and nursery children.
Les Trois Chèvres De Billy. 1.0.1
The story of the three billy goats and the troll.
Picture Dictionary for Kids 1.0.4
Dear Parents and Teachers, An intuitively designed dictionary forchildren which keeps the interest in a playful manner. Children cansearch a particular word or browse the interesting pictures andlearn the meaning of the words. 1800 words with pictures is atreasure for learning. All ages enjoy browsing the dictionary andseeing the pictures.
Alphabets and Numbers with song 1.1.7
This application teaches eight languages alphabets and Numberstokids. Alphabets and Numbers with simple touch for childrenoftoday. Advance easy learning with Sing-Along Song for Alphabetsandalso Numbers. Children learn by playing and have fun with familyoralone. Alphabets and Numbers with the song is an educationalappfor preschoolers or toddlers to learn English, French,Spanish,Italian, Arabic, Russian, German, and Urdu alphabets from Ato Zand numbers 1-10 Your kids will enjoy playing with this appandwill learn alphabet and numbers while playing in fun. ★Features★Acolourful education app that helps children learn the alphabetsofyour language. ♬ Easy to learn song lyrics ♬ Beautifulattractivegraphics ♬ Kids friendly interface ♬ In 8 Languages
Animal sounds with puzzles games and more 1.2.1
Yes, this is an exciting game for children to play andknowdistinctive animals and recognise their sounds. Best suitableforchildren aged 1 - 9 years. Watch your kids as they rapidlylearnand perceive every animal's name and sound - Enjoy animatedanimalsand see lovely pets, farm animals, jungle and oceancreatures. Thisapp includes 80 high-quality pictures and sounds ofanimals, birdsand sea creature. These carefully chosen photosenable your childto learn the names of different animals;additionally, they witnessinto the animal's lovely world. With thisgame, you and your childcan have a fantastic time together.Features: - Cute animals, lovedby children - Animal recognitionwith fun - Intitutive animalmatching puzzle - Drag and Drop game -Guess the animal game -Children learn animal sounds playfully -Animal names learning -Innovative educational game for kids
My Toddler ABC 1.0.8
My toddler ABC book is designed for children to learn alphabetsandtheir correspondent words with sounds. Two picture modesprovidedto make the child know about the objects as drawing andrealpictures. Pleasing sound effects help the child to remembertheletters and words. Equipped with human voice and children lovetheABC Song at the end which helps them memorise ABC as well.Enjoyseeing your child learning while playing with this app
Kids IQ EN 1.2.9
This application is designed to develop and enhance children I.Q.Ituses an innovative way to teach your child to read, listen andmatchwords with pictures. A child best way to learn is by usingGodgifted senses. Kid's I.Q is designed to enable a child to learnandrecognise the different Objects, Sounds, Colours, AlphabetandNumbers. The application is designed to develop theintelligenceand knowledge of children in a playful fun way alongwith enhancingvocabulary. This app is best for pre-school andkindergartenchildren. Your valuable feedback will encourage us tobring newfeatures in the free updates.
My First Book of Alphabets ABC 1.1.1
My First Book of Alphabets is a colourful and interactiveapproachfor learning letters and sounds by toddlers. Each letterhasmultiple words enabling the child to enhance vocabulary and IQ.Funlearning through simple touch gestures. Attractive pictureswithsound to talk about, which enable the child to think. Readalongsong helps the child to learn alphabets in a creative mannerandprepare for school.
Alphabets pour les enfants. 1.0.3
Familiarize the alphabets in a fun way.